Vasobral tabs #30

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User manual for Vasobral

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Release form and composition

The active substances of Vasobral are:
    Caffeine (40 mg in 1 tablet, 10 mg in 1 ml of solution);
    Alpha-dihydroergocriptine mesilate (4 mg in 1 tablet, 1 mg in 1 ml of solution).

Pharmacological effect

Due to its composition, Vasobral acts on the receptors of the nervous system. During the course of drug treatment, platelet aggregation in the patient's blood is reduced. Also significantly decreases the permeability in the walls of blood vessels. The patient has an improvement in blood circulation and restoration of metabolic processes in the brain. Vasobral strengthens the brain tissue and gives immunity to hypoxia.
Caffeine, which is part of the drug, stimulates the nervous system and affects the vessels and the respiratory tract. This substance improves the activity of the mind and increases human performance. At the same time, the feeling of tiredness quickly passes away even with strong brain function.
The time of removal of the drug from the body - about 2 hours. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is 8 mg. The time to reach this concentration is half an hour.

Indications for use

What helps? Peripheral and central vasodilator "Vasobral" is recommended by experts as an effective remedy for the following pathological conditions:
    negative symptoms - persistent dizziness, tinnitus.
    persistent memory loss;
    chronic course of venous insufficiency;
    Raynaud's disease;
    Meniere's disease;
    ischemic disorders of various localization;
    significant deterioration in attention span;
    severe cerebrovascular insufficiency;
    feeling disorder due to meteosensitivity;
    disorder of intellectual activity - excessive forgetfulness, inability to concentrate;
    residual manifestations of cerebral circulatory disorders;
Why prescribe "Vasobral" yet? Possible and prophylactic purpose of the use of the drug - the prevention of the above negative conditions.


This drug is not prescribed to patients who have intolerance to any component of the drug, as well as with special caution prescribed to patients with lactose intolerance.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug is not recommended to use, since there has been no research proving or disproving its safety.
It is precisely known that it reduces the formation of milk during breastfeeding and is undesirable for breastfeeding mothers.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Vasobral is taken orally during a meal and washed down with a small amount of water. The multiplicity of reception is twice a day with a single dosing:
    Half or whole tablet;
    One or two dosing syringe solution.
Duration of treatment from two to three months.

Side effects

The instructions to Vasobral indicated that the drug may cause gastralgia, nausea, dizziness, dyspepsia, headache, allergic reactions, agitation, hypotension and tachycardia.
In case of overdose, the symptoms of the disease are enhanced. In such cases, the appointment of symptomatic therapy.


Overdose occurs as a result of multiple exceeding the recommended dose. It is expressed by the increased manifestation of side effects. The cure is done by eliminating the symptoms.

Special instructions

    Vasobral is not recommended to be taken on an empty stomach.
    Caffeine can lead to sleep disturbance and heart palpitations.
    Athletes should be aware that the drug may affect the test results during doping control.
    Vasobral has a vasodilating effect and does not affect blood pressure in any way, therefore patients with arterial hypertension should continue treatment with anhypertensive drugs.
    If the drug causes dizziness or a decrease in blood pressure, it is necessary to abandon driving a vehicle or working with complex mechanisms that require a quick reaction and increased attention.

Drug interactions

    The tablets contain caffeine, so during the course of therapy, you should be careful not to use coffee and caffeine-containing drinks, as this can lead to the development of severe tachycardia and weakness.
    With the simultaneous use of the drug with antihypertensive agents may significantly reduce blood pressure.
    The active components of Vasobral in the form of tablets do not inhibit the work of the central nervous system and therefore can be used by patients who are forced to drive a car or control complex mechanisms that require quick response.
    The active ingredients of the drug have a vasodilating effect, while not affecting blood pressure indicators.

Compatibility with alcohol

Drinking alcohol at the same time taking vazobrala is fraught with negative consequences. The general condition of the body worsens, the side effects of the drug are powerfully manifested.
    Important: alcohol intoxication of the body is accompanied by headaches, nausea, sleep disturbances, mental disorders.
The use of Vasobral in the framework of complex treatment for the treatment of alcoholism can bring a positive effect. However, such treatment can be carried out only as prescribed and under the supervision of a narcologist.


We picked up some feedback from people about Vasobral:
    Recovered according to the recommendation of the doctor, to reduce headaches caused by vascular disorders in the brain. After the start of treatment, the pain disappeared and even the memory improved. Before that, I used dietary supplements, but there was no effect from them, so don’t spend money on all sorts of supplements, it’s better to use a proven and really effective remedy.
    I have been taking Vasobral since 2005, taking courses, being observed by a neurologist about problems with the vessels of the brain and the problems arising from this. It was a very good drug, I did not notice any side effects, except that I didn’t sleep well in the first few days, then it passed. The “pig-iron head” becomes exactly clear. ” Be all healthy!
    I have (cerebral) angiodystonia of the cerebral vessels on the background of cervical osteochondrosis. Before I was admitted to the hospital, there was severe dizziness, vomiting. How many I drank through the pills and did the injections. Then something starts pulsing under the eye, like a nervous tic. I went to a neurologist, they prescribed Magne B6 to drink it for 1 month, it did not help, then Neyrobion was given an injection, it did not help. And Vasobral was prescribed to drink tablets for 2 months. Now I drink Vasobral for the second month and no longer pulsates under the eye. The main thing is to calm down and try to slow down the rhythm of life, engage in strengthening your immunity, avoid negative emotions, relax more and be healthy!
    A terrible drug, with grave consequences. I was discharged by a doctor, and the side effects are not clearly described in the abstract or the drug has not been tested. Negative reviews are removed on the Internet, advertising, such as beginning to take - everything improved, I recommend it to everyone. There are no real numbers of side effects, and this is nasal congestion, tachycardia, weakness, and faintness - not. I and many more people who wrote and reviews, and took the drug - immediately faced with this horror, starting to take Vasobral. People, do not get fooled by advertising, and immediately put in the course of doctors-distributors, and in any case, do not give to children.
    Very good medicine. I take it, 2 times a year for the prevention of migraine. My mother is a neurologist with great experience, so she advised him to me, explaining that it is generally good to take him, for the prevention of blood vessels, especially for people with high mental and physical stress. So, I have been taking it for more than 2 years and during this time there was practically no migraine, and this is for me a huge indicator that the drug actually works, because seizures have happened almost every week and lasted for 2-3 days.
In general, reviews of Vasobral are mostly positive: the drug effectively eliminates the symptoms of mental and physical fatigue, helps to deal with distraction, lack of attention.

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You don't need a prescription to buy Vasobral.