
Hypercalcemia. Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Hypercalcemia. Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

The term "hypercalcemia" doctors describe too much calcium in human blood. The causes of this condition may be excessive activity of the parathyroid gland, taking certain medications or significant amounts of vitamin D, as well as hidden medical conditions, including cancer.

Independent treatment of spikes with national means

Independent treatment of spikes with national means

Spikes do not belong to a number of dangerous diseases, although they bring some very unpleasant sensations. Spike is formed as a result of violation of the shell of any organ. Mainly prone to adhesions - abdominal cavity, pelvic organs, intestines, fallopian tubes, lungs.

Jaundice: causes, symptoms and treatment in children and adults

Jaundice: causes, symptoms and treatment in children and adults

Jaundice (Gospel disease) is a disease characterized by yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes. When talking about jaundice, hepatitis A (another name is Botkin's disease) is usually meant as a liver disease, although in reality in medicine this term may refer to diseases of other organs.

List of the best allergy drugs

List of the best allergy drugs

Allergy is not for nothing called the disease of the 21st century - today it is faced by people of all ages, not only in spring and summer, when plants bloom, and often all year round.

Malignant tumor - what is it and the causes of the appearance

Malignant tumor - what is it and the causes of the appearance

Is a malignant tumor a cancer? The pathological growth of body tissue is the beginning of the formation of a tumor. In this case, a malignant tumor does not obey the general rules of coordinated work of the body.

Measles - Symptoms and Treatment

Measles - Symptoms and Treatment

Measles is a highly infectious viral infection, with a predominantly airborne transmission of the pathogen. The probability of getting measles is high, even with short contact with the patient.

Rating of the best painkillers

Rating of the best painkillers

Analgesic pills - first aid products, which are used to eliminate pain of various origins. They help with headache, toothache, pain caused by a particular disease, trauma.

Respiratory failure. Causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of pathology

Respiratory failure. Causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of pathology

Respiratory failure is a pathological condition in which the respiratory system is not able to provide the body with oxygen in the required volume.



The source of infection is a sick person. A sick person becomes contagious to those around him a week before the rash appears.

Self-treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Self-treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye that occurs as a result of infection on its surface. Depending on the type of disease (purulent, bacterial, viral conjunctivitis and other types), the disease may be accompanied by different symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Self-treatment of spinal hernia. How not to hurt yourself?

Self-treatment of spinal hernia. How not to hurt yourself?

Spinal hernia is a common complication after osteochondrosis. Heredity, overweight, injury, bad habits can be the causes of its occurrence. It is very dangerous to self-medicate this disease.
Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases

STIs (sexually transmitted infections) are a group of diseases that are transmitted from person to person through sexual contact.

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