Phytomucil Slim Smart powder #30

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Instruction for Phytomucil Slim Smart

You can buy Phytomucil Slim Smart here

If you've stopped slipping into your favorite jeans, it's time to take care of yourself and lose those extra pounds. Losing weight should be based on proper nutrition and exercise. As auxiliary methods, you can use natural preparations with fiber, for example, Phytomucil. It helps to achieve the desired result without harm to health.

What is Phytomucil Slim Smart for weight loss

Modern companies specializing in the production of diet pills every year release new items on the market, the advertising of which promises to lose weight quickly. Often, such agents include chemical and synthetic compounds that negatively affect the functioning of internal organs and disrupt the absorption of nutrients necessary for normal life.
It is a biologically active food supplement (BAA) with a completely natural composition. The developers of the complex claim that with its regular use, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins, and you can lose from 5 to 10 kilograms of excess weight. Many reviews of Phytomucil Slim Smart confirm this, as well as the popularity of the drug among women.

Release form

Bioadditive Phytomucil Slim Smart is available in cardboard boxes. Each pack contains 10, 20 or 30 small sachets of 5 grams each. Thanks to this packaging, it is convenient to use the drug when traveling, at work or school. The package with the drug contains detailed instructions, which describe all contraindications, side effects, and recommended doses.
Recently, the company began to produce Phytomucil Slim Smart in plastic cans of 250 grams. The composition of the biocomplex is completely identical to that sold in sachets. The dietary supplement also comes with instructions and a measuring spoon. Two tablespoons of dry mixture are equal in composition to the contents of one sachet. The consistency of the finished drink resembles jelly, but has no taste or smell.


The main advantage of the dietary supplement Phytomucil Slim Smart is a completely natural composition. The product does not contain sweeteners, glucose, stabilizers or flavorings. It also lacks senna (the herbal ingredient found in many diet pills), which is addictive with prolonged use. One sachet-sachet of Phytomucil Slim Smart contains:
    4.5 g of dried and crushed plantain seeds;
    0.5 g glucomannan (a polysaccharide derived from the fruits of homemade plums).

Indications for use

The pharmacological properties of the drug help to solve problems with digestion, intestinal peristalsis and metabolism. The supplement is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of obesity, control over portion sizes. There are other indications for taking Phytomucil Slim Smart - these are:
    sedentary lifestyle;
    the tendency to gain excess weight during periods of increased risk - postpartum, menopause, during smoking cessation, with prolonged stress;
    irregular or unbalanced diet;
    functional constipation or diarrhea due to intestinal dysbiosis (disturbance of the normal flora);
    normalization of intestinal motility during pregnancy;
    type 2 diabetes mellitus;
    hypothyroidism - a condition caused by a long-term lack of thyroid hormones;
    irritable bowel syndrome - a disease characterized by bloating, severe pain, rare and frequent stools;
    diverticulosis - saccular protrusions on the walls of the intestine (diverticula);
    hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
    prevention of cardiovascular diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

How Phytomucil Slim Smart works for weight loss

Due to its well-balanced and completely natural composition, Phytomucil Slim Smart powder acts simultaneously in several directions:
    Feels full even with the smallest portions. Once in the stomach, fiber, when interacting with liquid, turns into a gel, which fills most of the free space, thereby reducing appetite.
    Provides softening of feces. Persistent constipation is a common side effect of many diets that require a limited intake of fruits and vegetables. Biocomplex helps to solve these problems. Fiber, which is part of it, acts as a mild laxative - improves intestinal motility, promotes its natural cleansing.
    Provides consolidation of the achieved result. The composition of the powder does not include diuretic components, therefore, weight loss occurs smoothly, not due to the removal of excess fluid, but due to a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat. Manufacturers promise that in a month of using Phytomucil Slim Smart, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg of weight.
    Reduces the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. Once in the intestines, fiber mixes with food and absorbs part of fats and carbohydrates, normalizes metabolism. The remaining Phytomucil provides a gradual release of glucose, which makes your blood sugar rise more slowly and you feel fuller longer.
    Effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. Plant fibers take on not only some of the fats and carbohydrates, but also harmful substances, removing them from the body in a natural way.


It is recommended to start taking Phytomucil Slim Smart with 1 sachet of powder per day. This will allow you to accurately determine the tolerance of the drug and immediately identify possible side effects. In the future, the dosage can be increased to 4 sachets per day. The instruction for Phytomucil Slim Smart contains the following recommendations for taking:
    Dissolve the contents of one sachet in a glass of water or any unsweetened beverage. Vegetable juices, drinking yogurt, skim milk, or kefir are good choices.
    Drink the drink 10-20 minutes before a meal.
    Take another glass of still water to drink.
The duration of taking the supplement depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Supplement manufacturers recommend focusing on a small result. Weight loss by 2-4 kilograms per month is considered optimal and safe for health. If, after a 30-day course, the result has been achieved, you should take a break for 2 weeks, and then resume taking Phytomucil Slim Smart for weight loss. To maintain the desired weight at the same level, it is recommended to take the drug in prophylactic doses - 1 sachet per day.
In an effort to lose weight, do not forget that you can achieve the desired results only with an integrated approach to the problem. The dietary supplement developers recommend:
    Follow your drinking regimen. You should drink from one and a half to two liters of liquid per day - juices, still water, unsweetened fruit drinks or compotes.
    Replace one meal daily with Phytomucil Slim Smart.
    Eat a low-calorie diet for effective weight loss. Eliminate muffins, sugar, semi-finished products, sausages, pasta, fatty dairy products from the diet. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, fish, seafood. Reduce your salt intake to 5-7 grams per day.
    Go in for sports. Even the simplest physical exercises accelerate the burning of subcutaneous fat, improve muscle tone, and tighten the skin. If you are new to sports, give preference to fitness, aerobics, swimming, cycling.
    If you are taking multivitamins or mineral supplements, the interval between taking them and Phytomucil Slim Smart should be at least 60 minutes.

Contraindications and side effects

The tool is allowed to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In these cases, the dosage should be reduced to 1 sachet per day. The list of contraindications for the drug is not so extensive. It includes the following indicators:
    children up to age 14;
    acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
    intestinal obstruction;
    individual intolerance to active ingredients.
If the instructions for use of Phytomucil Slim Smart are followed, there are no side effects in healthy people. Overdose cases have not been established. Before taking dietary supplements, women using oral contraceptives should consult a gynecologist. The additive, like other sorbents, reduces the effectiveness of some contraceptives.

How does Phytomucil Slim Smart work?

    The dietary supplement contains fiber, which is why it should be diluted in 200 ml of liquid (water, fermented milk products, yoghurts without additives) before use and drunk before meals. Then you need to drink 250 ml of pure water without.
    In the stomach, the fiber contained in the dietary supplement absorbs liquid and increases in volume, turning into a gel. It is this gel that fills the stomach cavity, which contributes to the feeling of fullness. Because of this action, the feeling of hunger disappears and the tendency to overeat decreases. Subsequently, when the gel, along with the processed food, moves through the intestines, it produces a softening effect on the stool masses and helps to rid the body of them.
    The fiber contained in the preparation reduces the absorption of nutrients, helps to avoid surges in blood sugar, which eliminates sharp bouts of hunger. Dietary fiber helps to reduce the absorption of fat and carbohydrates in the intestines, which can help reduce calories. And she, being an absorbent, removes toxins and toxins consumed with food from the organs.
    You should be aware that only taking the drug, you will not be able to lose extra pounds. The use of "Phytomucil Slim Smart" must be combined with a diet of reduced nutritional value and sports exercises. Doctors note that the drug is increasingly used specifically to reduce body weight.
It is important to understand that the results of admission can differ significantly, everything depends on the characteristics of the organism and the individual characteristics of the person's lifestyle.
As a rule, patients who comply with all conditions and use the drug according to all recommendations lost 5-15 extra pounds.

Who can take Phytomucil Slim Smart?

The use of the drug is recommended for people suffering from the following problems:
    Increased amount of subcutaneous fat.
    High blood sugar.
    Increased amount of cholesterol in the blood.
    Initial hemorrhoids.
    Periods of a possible set of kilograms (nerves; postpartum period; rejection of bad habits).
    As a preventive measure for oncological diseases.
    Improper nutrition.
    The presence of dysbiosis.
For any of these reasons, consultation with a specialist is recommended. The doctor will be able to prescribe the required dose and the period of taking the drug. Since each person needs a different dose of the drug. And it is precisely the correctly selected course of taking dietary supplements that contributes to the achievement of the result in a relatively short period of time.
    The composition of the medication is organic, therefore it is allowed to be used, including by lactating women. And for people suffering from high blood sugar to lose those extra pounds.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Phytomucil Slim Smart.