Leovit tea fat-burning 2gr #25

$14.90 $18.50

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Instruction for Leovit tea fat-burning

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To permanently lose weight, it is not enough to eliminate fat deposits 1 time. To do this, you still need to prevent their formation. Leovit Slimming Tea helps to achieve this effect.
Now there are a lot of tools that are aimed at weight loss. Including natural teas, the complex effect of which provides a lasting effect, while being quite easy to use. One of these teas is Leovit Fat Burning Tea. Reviews about him are really impressive.

Slimming mechanism

In the human body there is white fat, from which fat reserves are formed, and brown, spent on energy production and thermoregulatory functions. Burning white fat occurs only if there are not enough calories in the body. To reduce body weight, you need to get rid of these deposits. Tea Leovit allows you to limit the concentration of white fat, converting it into digestible acids.
Leovit tea fat-burning has such actions when losing weight:
    satisfies the appetite, so losing weight, taking tea, will consume much less food;
    stimulates the processing of existing fat reserves;
    prevents the formation of new fat, turning calories that are ingested with food into clean energy;
    enhances insulin susceptibility by tissue structures, thinning the layer of fat;
    accelerates the metabolism and metabolism of lipids;
    eliminates puffiness;
    removes toxins and toxins;
    stimulates the synthesis of bile, facilitating the process of digestion of food;
    It has a moderate laxative and diuretic effect, preventing the accumulation of fat in the body.
The action of this drink is aimed at eliminating fat deposits due to the energy reserves of the body and stimulating the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, this type of tea increases muscle and nerve tone, preventing the development of depression while maintaining a dietary diet, facilitating the process of losing weight.
The composition of the fat-burning drug:
    Garcinia Extract This substance is extracted from the skin of tropical fruits. It contains hydroxycitric acid, which stabilizes the sugar level in the body and sends a saturation signal to the brain.
    Black tea. It is a natural antioxidant and tonic that accelerates the elimination of toxins, normalizes the concentration of bad cholesterol and positively affects the metabolism in the body.
    L – carnitine. This ingredient is an amino acid and inhibits the processing of carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, L-carnitine accelerates the conversion of fatty elements into energy.
    Micronutrients. Vitamins C, H, B, E, D and A belong to this group of substances. They have a detoxifying and antioxidant effect, regulating the conversion of fats and sugar into energy and lowering cholesterol.
    Chromium picolinate. This element regulates the processes of fat metabolism and glucose levels. In addition, he satisfies hunger.
    Inulin. It performs the functions of a prebiotic, normalizing the intestinal microflora and cleansing the body of endo- and exotoxins.
    Ginger powder This spice stimulates the metabolic process in the body and the process of fat burning.
    Cinnamon and cardamom. These seasonings contain antioxidants that normalize digestion, as well as terpinoids, which are necessary for the intensive conversion of fatty elements.


Leovit tea fat-burning producer claims that a positive effect when taking it can be observed already in the first week. Consumers who used this drink, note that with its help you can get rid of 3 to 5 kg in 7 days.


All varieties of Leovit tea have a natural composition, so they are safe for the human body. However, this means to combat obesity has a number of contraindications. The main ones are:
    allergy to the components that are included in the composition of the drug;
    severe liver disease;
    severe pathology of the digestive system;
    acute / severe renal failure;
    gynecological problems;
    breastfeeding and pregnancy.
People with diabetes need to drink tea carefully. In this case, you must first consult with a therapist and endocrinologist.
Leovit rarely causes side effects. Most often, tea causes redness and itching of the skin, which is due to intolerance to its ingredients. In case of any deterioration in well-being with drinking slimming tea, you should consult a medical expert for advice.


Inga Vasilievna, 41 years old
In this tea, I am most attracted by the affordable cost and natural composition. I drank it in accordance with the instructions and following the instructions of the attending physician. She began the course with a fat-burning product, after which she began to drink a cleanser, which she then replaced with a vitamin one. During the entire course of treatment there were no problems with well-being. Tea helped to lose 12 kg in 1.5 months. I bought it on the Internet.
Miroslava Sergeevna, 43 years old
I used a fat-burning drink when I decided to normalize body weight and eliminate constipation. For 2 weeks she lost 4 kg. This is a good result, considering that during this period I did not follow any diets and did not go in for sports. In addition, when using the drink, not only did my weight normalize, but my headache, fatigue also disappeared, and my working capacity also increased. Even relatives and friends notice that I literally changed.
Karina Borisovna, 37 years old
I used a fat-burning product when I followed a hypocaloric diet. This remedy has a diuretic effect, so when using it, you must definitely drink as much water as possible. I threw 3 kg in a week. For me, this is a good result, because Before, even grueling workouts did not give such an effect. However, I did not feel much discomfort. Leovit contains special substances that reduce appetite, as a result of which you begin to eat less food, which leads to weight loss.
In addition, when taking a drink, harmful substances are eliminated from the body, which contributes to the overall improvement of well-being. I bought the drug at a local pharmacy. I took 3 packs at once, because his price is affordable. Recently I decided to try another vitamin and cleansing product. I am sure that they will also benefit my body.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Leovit tea fat-burning.