Acipol caps #30


  • Availability: In Stock

  • 2 or more $13.73
  • 3 or more $13.59

According to the principle of competitive antagonism, Acipol successfully cures acute and chronic intestinal infections, long-term digestive disorders, food allergies, and also reduces the frequency of relapses and the severity of symptoms of atopic dermatitis. For any disease, Acipol is able to stimulate a non-specific link of immunity, exerting a general strengthening effect and contributing to a faster recovery.

Release forms

Currently Acipol is available in a single dosage form - capsules for oral administration. Acipol capsules are elongated gelatin cylinders, consisting of two parts. Inside the capsules is a dry powder, painted in a light cream or cream color and having a characteristic sour-milk smell. The drug is available in plastic opaque jars of 10, 20 or 30 capsules.
 Earlier, several years ago, Acipol was also available in tablets and lyophilisate, but the production of these dosage forms is currently discontinued, since they are significantly inferior in capsule quality.
So, Acipol tablets were a compressed lyophilisate, so they had to be chewed in the mouth and washed down with water or milk. And the lyophilisate was a powder that had to be diluted in 5 - 10 ml of water or milk before drinking and the resulting suspension was drunk. With such options for taking the drug, most of the microorganisms died in the stomach, because it could not withstand the effects of acid, and only a small number of bacteria of normal microflora reached the intestines.
Acipol capsules have a huge advantage over tablets and lyophilisate, because their shell protects microorganisms from the effects of gastric juice and dissolves only in the intestines, releasing beneficial bacteria exactly where it is needed. That is, in the capsule all bacteria of the drug reach the intestines, which provides a much faster cure and normalization of the condition.
In principle, inside the capsules is a powder, which is the same lyophilisate that was previously available as an independent dosage form and from which tablets were pressed. That is, in addition to better delivery of the active components to the intestine, the capsules are no different from tablets and lyophilisate.
Quite often, people are looking for Acipol suppositories, but the drug has never been released in this dosage form. Most often, Acipol candles are understood and mean an analogue drug - Acilact candles. In this case, there is confusion provoked by the similarity of the names "Acipol" and "Acylact."


The composition of Acipol as active components includes dried live acidophilic lactobacilli and kefir fungus polysaccharides. This means that first lactobacilli were grown on a nutrient medium, after which they were specially dried, that is, they were lyophilized. Lactobacilli, subjected to the lyophilization procedure, remain alive, but turned into an inactive state. If you add water or milk to the lyophilized lactobacilli, then after 4 - 5 hours they will again become active. This means that Acipol contains live lactobacilli, which are able to colonize the intestines and eliminate dysbiosis.
 Kefir polysaccharides are substances produced by these microorganisms as a result of vital activity and remaining in the nutrient medium. This means that to obtain them, the kefir fungus was first grown, after which it was inactivated so that it no longer multiplied, and then all the available nutrient medium was lyophilized. As a result, substances produced by kefir fungus are in the lyophilisate.
These substances are an excellent nutrient substrate for bacteria of normal intestinal microflora, thanks to which they can multiply quickly and well, colonizing the intestines and preventing the development of dysbiosis. That is, in fact, kefir fungus polysaccharides are prebiotic substances. Acidophilic lactobacilli are microorganisms that are normally a component of the human intestinal microflora. That is, the presence of lactobacilli in the composition makes Acipol capsules a drug of the probiotic group. Thus, the presence of probiotics and prebiotics in Acipol makes this drug a synbiotic.
In addition to the active components, Acipol capsules include titanium dioxide, gelatin and red iron oxide as auxiliary substances. These excipients are used to make capsules.

Therapeutic effect

Since Acipol contains both a probiotic (lactobacillus) and a prebiotic (kefir polysaccharide), both therapeutic effects and action are determined by the properties of these components.
The lactobacilli that make up Acipol have the following therapeutic effects:
    They have a detrimental effect on pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes in the intestinal lumen (for example, shigella, pathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus, dysentery sticks, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Yersinia, Staphylococcus, etc.). Thanks to this action, alien microflora is destroyed, intestinal infections and dysbiosis are cured;
    They produce lactic acid, lowering the acidity of the intestinal contents, which also creates favorable conditions for representatives of normal microflora and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Due to this effect, there is also a cure for intestinal infections and the elimination of dysbiosis;
    Synthesize B vitamins;
    Increase the body's resistance to various pathogens of infectious diseases;
    Disaccharides break down, such as lactose, galactose, glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, cellobiose, mannose, trihalose and salicin. As a result, Acipol can be prescribed as a means of replacement therapy for lactase deficiency;
    Strengthen the body's overall resistance to various diseases.
 All of the listed therapeutic effects of lactobacilli are very strong and pronounced due to the polysaccharides of kefir fungus, which is also part of Acipol. After all, these polysaccharides are actually a nutrient substrate for lactobacilli. Thus, when taking Acipol, a person simultaneously receives both bacteria of normal microflora and nutrients for their better engraftment, growth and reproduction.
In addition, kefir polysaccharides have an additional therapeutic effect, which consists in a direct stimulating effect on the immune system, as a result of which its work is activated and it becomes possible to cure long-running chronic infectious and inflammatory processes in various organs and systems of the body. Kefir polysaccharides increase the number of lymphocytes by activating the process of their maturation in the thymus and spleen.

Indications for use

A general indication for the use of Acipol is dysbiosis, which has arisen for various reasons in various organs (intestines, vagina, mucous membrane of the oropharynx and respiratory tract, etc.). It should be remembered that dysbiosis of any mucous membrane can be cured only after normalization of intestinal microflora. Therefore, Acipol, which normalizes the intestinal microflora, indirectly leads to the elimination of dysbiosis and other organs (mouth, nasopharynx, bronchi, etc.).
More accurate and specific indications for the use of Acipol as the main means of therapy are the following conditions or diseases in children and adults, leading to dysbiosis:
1. Acute intestinal infections (for example, rotavirus infection, salmonellosis, dysentery and others), including unspecified;
2. Chronic colitis and enterocolitis of infectious or non-infectious origin;
3. Intestinal disorders and disruption of the digestive tract, provoked by opportunistic microorganisms, such as staphylococcus, Klebsiella, etc.
4. Long-term use of antibiotics.
In addition, the drug is indicated for use in complex therapy for the following diseases, accompanied by dysbiosis and lag in weight gain in children:
Active and massive antibiotic therapy of purulent and infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs and systems in infants;
    Chronic, prolonged or recurring infections of the respiratory system (for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc.);
    Atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases or reactions.
Separately, it is worth noting the indication for the use of Acipol, which consists in increasing the body's overall resistance to diseases and preventing dysbiosis against a background of various factors and situations that can lead to an imbalance in the microflora, such as stresses, errors in diet, taking antibiotics, colds, flu and etc. As a means of increasing resistance to diseases, Acipol is recommended for use with a tendency to frequent, protracted, chronic or recurrent pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.

Instructions for use (for children and adults)

General Provisions

Before using and taking capsules, you should carefully examine the packaging (plastic white opaque jar) and the appearance of the red shell of each capsule. If the jar into which the capsules are placed has damage (for example, it has cracked), it is missing, erased or not clearly visible marking with an expiration date, then such a drug should not be used, since, most likely, the person is dealing with counterfeit.
Also, expired capsules should not be taken, since their therapeutic effect will be very low. After all, after the expiration date, the beneficial bacteria contained in the capsules simply die, and the drug loses its effectiveness.
You can not take Acipol capsules packed in damaged blisters (long flat packs of foil or paper, which often contain tablets - see the figure below), since they could lose their properties.
 If the shape of the capsule is broken or any inclusions and dots are present in its color, then such a drug should also not be taken.
Acipol should be taken at the same time as other medicines prescribed to treat an existing condition or disease. It is not recommended to postpone the use of Acipol for the period after completion of therapy with other drugs, since this approach only aggravates dysbiosis and lengthens the period of time necessary to eliminate it.
Capsules should be taken orally, swallowing them whole, not biting, not chewing and not crushing in other ways. The capsule should be washed with at least half a glass of water, milk or a dairy product (fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, bifidok, etc.) at room temperature.
If Acipol is given to a baby who is not yet able to swallow a whole capsule, then first open it, pour the contents into a spoon or a small container (for example, a glass), add 10 ml of water (one teaspoon) and mix lightly until a homogeneous, uniform, cloudy suspensions. The resulting suspension is given to the baby. If a child swallows a suspension from a spoon, then you can give him Acipol in this way. If the child refuses to swallow the suspension from a spoon, then it is added to a small amount (20 - 30 ml) of expressed breast milk or artificial mixture and given to the child in a bottle.
It is optimal to take the drug 30 to 40 minutes before eating. However, when using Acipol for infants, they should be given the drug with food during the next feeding. Together with food, Acipol can be given to a child up to the age of three. But after reaching three years, you must always withstand the interval between taking Acipol capsules and food for a minimum of 15 minutes.
The dosage and duration of Acipol therapy is usually determined by the doctor based on the severity of the course of the disease and the rate of improvement, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. However, there are elaborated averaged recommended dosages and durations of courses of therapy for various conditions and diseases that you can focus on.
Acipol for therapeutic purposes for any disease should be taken in the following dosages, depending on age:
    Children aged 3 months - 3 years - take one capsule 2 to 3 times a day with food;
    Children over 3 years old and adults - take one capsule 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.
If necessary, you can increase the daily dosage to 9 capsules for babies under 3 years old and up to 12 capsules for adults and children over 3 years of age.
You should maintain approximately the same intervals between doses of capsules. For example, when taking the capsules twice a day, it is recommended to take them after 10 to 12 hours, that is, in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. When taking the capsules three times a day, it is recommended to drink them approximately every 8 hours, etc.
In acute conditions and diseases (for example, acute intestinal infection, acute bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, etc.) Acipol is recommended to be taken within 5 to 8 days. Moreover, the sooner after the onset of the disease, Acipol intake was started, the better for a person. With acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other acute diseases of the respiratory or digestive organs, Acipol should be taken simultaneously with other drugs, and not wait for the end of the main course of treatment. With this application, a 5-8 day course of Acipol therapy is sufficient to restore the balance of microflora and eliminate dysbiosis. If you use capsules after completing the treatment of acute infections with other drugs, then it will take at least 10 days to restore the microflora balance and eliminate dysbiosis.
 In case of long-term, chronic, recurrent diseases (for example, enteritis, colitis, bronchitis, persistent dysfunction of the intestines, etc.), as well as in infants with underweight, Acipol should be used for long courses of 2 to 3 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 3 months.
In chronic diseases or persistent dysbiosis, which is difficult to correct, Acipol therapy courses can be repeated. An interval of at least one month should be maintained between two consecutive courses of Acipol administration.
To prevent dysbacteriosis and functional disorders of the intestines, Acipol should be taken at any age, one capsule once a day, for 10 to 15 days. Acipol prophylactic courses can be taken 3-5 times during the calendar year.


Overdose of capsules has not been recorded once during the entire period of observation of the clinical use of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Interaction with other medicines for Acipol capsules has not been identified. This means that Acipol can be taken in conjunction with any other drugs.

For children

Capsules can be used in children from three months of age. Previously, it is not recommended to give the child Acipol, since it contains only lactobacilli and no bifidobacteria, which can disrupt the normal ratio between these types of bacteria in the intestine and provoke diarrhea in the baby. Upon reaching three months, it is no longer possible to upset the balance between bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestines of a child, as his body acquires the ability to independently regulate this parameter. In this case, even if the child receives more lactobacilli with Acipol capsules than he needs, they will simply be removed from the intestines with feces.
Acipol is used in children, as in adults, to eliminate dysbacteriosis caused by any reason, and to treat intestinal infections. We should also dwell on the use of the drug for the treatment of dysbiosis. The fact is that in a child practically any violation of the diet, stress, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, or inflammatory disease of any organ (including bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.) always provokes dysbiosis of one degree or another . Therefore, so that after the illness, the child does not become ill often and does not acquire chronic pathology, dysbiosis should be eliminated. Acipol capsules are great for this purpose.
 French pediatricians recommend during the treatment of any cold, flu, acute respiratory infections, or infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs (bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis, urethritis, etc.) in addition to the main medicines, give the child any probiotics, including Acipol. As studies conducted in Russian clinics have shown, such use of Acipol accelerates recovery and reduces the incidence of diseases in young children. Therefore, it is recommended to use Acipol in children with various infectious and inflammatory diseases of any organs even before signs of dysbiosis appear.
In addition, it is worth mentioning separately about the benefits of using Acipol in infants suffering from lactose intolerance. If the baby suffers from this condition, then you can give him half an Acipol capsule before feeding, and the symptoms of lactose intolerance will disappear, since the bacteria contained in the drug are able to break down and digest milk sugar. This means that against the background of the use of Acipol, it will be possible to continue breastfeeding and not transfer the child to a lactose-free mixture.
The whole set of reasons for the use of Acipol in children can be divided into two large groups - preventive and therapeutic administration of the drug. With therapeutic use, Acipol should be given to its children under three years old, one capsule 2 to 3 times a day with meals. Children over three years old - 1 capsule 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of therapy depends on the rate of improvement and on average in acute infections (intestinal infection, flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, etc.) 5-8 days, and in chronic or long-term illnesses (colitis, enteritis, bronchitis, etc. d.) - 2 to 3 weeks.
With the preventive use of Acipol in children of any age, they should be given one capsule per day during or 30 minutes before meals for 10 to 15 days. It is possible to prophylactically give a child a drug after any transferred infectious and inflammatory disease of various organs.
The whole capsule should be given to children only if they can swallow it. In this case, you need to give Acipol to the kids half an hour before meals. It should be ensured that the child swallows the capsule and drinks it with half a glass of water or milk.
If the child cannot swallow the capsule, then open it, pour the contents into a spoon, add 5 - 10 ml of water or milk and mix well until a homogeneous cloudy suspension is obtained. This suspension is given to the child to drink. With this option, the use of Acipol capsules is given to the baby with food.
To eliminate lactose intolerance, it is necessary to give the baby half a capsule before each feeding. To do this, open the capsule, pour the contents onto a clean plate, divide it in half. Then one half of the powder is diluted in a spoon of boiled water at room temperature until a cloudy suspension is obtained and given to the child before feeding. If the child does not swallow the contents of the spoon, then the suspension should be diluted in 10 - 30 ml of milk or mixture. The suspension is given to the baby at the beginning of feeding, and when he eats everything, they are breast-fed or with the necessary amount of artificial mixture.

How to take Infant

Acipol infants should be given in the form of a suspension with meals. To obtain a suspension, open the capsule, pour its contents into a spoon and add 5-10 ml of water (teaspoon). Mix water and powder from the capsule until a cloudy suspension is obtained. Then this suspension should be tried to give the child directly from a spoon. If he swallows it, then right after that you need to start feeding, giving him a breast or a prepared bottle with a mixture. If the child does not swallow Acipol suspension from a spoon, then it should be mixed with 10 - 30 ml of the mixture or expressed breast milk and pour into a bottle. This bottle is given to the child, and when he completely eats its contents, they are breast-fed or with the necessary amount of the mixture.
For the treatment of various diseases, infants are given one capsule 2 to 3 times a day for 5 to 20 days. For prevention, give 1 capsule 1 time per day for 10 to 15 days.


Practicing doctors and scientists believe that Acipol is safe for pregnant women, because it contains bacteria of normal microflora and kefir fungus waste products. Both components do not harm the fetus and the woman herself, therefore, they can be considered safe.
However, the instructions for use indicate that there is no data on the use during pregnancy. This phrase should not be afraid, because it reflects only the fact that the manufacturers did not conduct special studies of the drug on pregnant women. But common sense tells us that kefir and lactobacilli, which a woman can receive throughout her pregnancy with the corresponding dairy products, are not able to do any harm to her or her baby. Therefore, if you are guided by common sense, and not by international requirements for writing instructions, then Acipol can be used by pregnant women, as practicing doctors and scientists say.

With antibiotics

Acipol is not only possible, but also needs to be used in combination with antibiotics, since the drug prevents the development of dysbiosis and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. It is recommended to take Acipol capsules simultaneously with antibiotics. Moreover, after completing the course of antibiotic therapy, it is recommended to continue taking Acipol for another 5 to 7 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Contraindication to the use of Acipol is intolerance to the components of the drug. With caution, the drug should be used for candidiasis (thrush), since it can provoke its exacerbation or aggravation of the course.
As side effects, Acipol can only provoke various allergic reactions, with the development of which you should stop taking the drug.


The vast majority of reviews about Acipol are positive, due to the ability of the drug to quickly normalize the intestines, eliminate dysbiosis, skin rashes and stop diarrhea of ​​any infectious origin. In the reviews, people recommend using the drug without waiting for the development of dysbiosis, but immediately in combination with antibiotics or after an intestinal infection. Negative reviews about the drug are literally ones and they are associated with the inefficiency of Acipol in this particular case.

Reviews for children

Reviews about the use of Acipol for children are almost all positive, since the drug is able to eliminate the frequent and quite numerous problems of the child. In the reviews, parents indicate that the capsules perfectly stop diarrhea, normalize stool, reduce colic and gas formation, and also contribute to the rapid elimination of rashes on the skin of the baby. When used with antibiotics, Acipol effectively prevents dysbiosis.
Also, the drug is effective for restoring the normal functioning of the intestine after suffering serious infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs, such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, false croup, etc.
There are practically no negative reviews about the use of Acipol in children, since the drug is effective, easy to use and is allowed for babies from three months. Single negative reviews are associated with the lack of the expected effect or with the return of the symptoms for which the drug was taken, some time after the completion of the course of therapy.

Terms of sell

You can buy Acipol without a prescription.