Andipal tabs #20


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  • 3 or more $5.50
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Andipal user manual

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Pharmacological properties

Andipal belongs to the group of painkillers, antipyretic drugs. This combination medication has an analgesic effect. An effective antispasmodic that dilates blood vessels, it is successfully used to lower blood pressure.
One of Andipal's components - sodium metamizole, is widely known as analgin, exhibits a pronounced antipyretic, analgesic effect, eliminates spasm of smooth muscles of the urinary and biliary tract. Being adsorbed from the intestine, metamizole sodium does not selectively suppress the work of cyclooxygenase enzymes and reduces the production of prostaglandin from arachidonic acid, thereby achieving an analgesic result, and increasing resistance to pain.
Papaverine hydrochloride activates the accumulation of cyclic AMP and reduces the amount of calcium in cells, thereby eliminating spasms and pain in the abdominal organs.
Bendazol (Dibazol) has a hypotensive, vasodilating effect, activates and supports the vital functions of the spinal cord. Presented in the composition of the drug, phenobarbital has a pronounced sedative effect, activates the work of other ingredients of the drug.
The pharmacological effect is achieved due to the multicomponent structure of the drug. The medicine soothes, eliminates spasm and lowers the temperature, relieves pain, dilates blood vessels and improves blood supply.
The synergy of papaverine, bendazole and analgin allows the drug to be used to desensitize pain in migraines and acute headaches of a different origin.

Composition and form of release

Andipal is produced in tablet form. Tablets for oral use have one dosage of active ingredients. the roles of active elements are played by bendazole, analgin, phenobarbital, papaverine. Talc, starch and stearic acid are used as excipients.
Round flat cylindrical white or yellow pills are generally available in contoured plastic blisters or paper strips. 10, 30, 100 units are packed in cardboard boxes.

Indications for use

Clinically confirmed the effectiveness of Andipal as an antispasmodic and a medical agent for symptomatic therapy of contraction of blood vessels in the brain and blood vessels that provide blood flow from the periphery. The use of the medication promotes vasodilation and, accordingly, improves hemodynamics, normalizes blood pressure.
Among the indications for the use of the drug are such diseases and pathological conditions:
    mild stage of hypertension;
    head pain caused by migraine;
    pain syndrome accompanying cerebral spasms of the brain.
The drug is widely used to eliminate spastic pain, has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the abdominal organs.
The drug has been shown to be effective in the systemic treatment of mild idiopathic hypertension for leveling blood pressure. For patients with early stages of arterial hypertension, Andipal is prescribed to lower blood pressure.

Side effects

Andipal can provoke unwanted side reactions. They do not occur in all patients, their intensity when they appear in each patient can vary depending on the individual characteristics of a person's health.
The gastrointestinal tract may react to the use of the drug with constipation, nausea.
Due to the presence of phenobarbital in the composition, the drug can provoke the development of a condition bordering on depression. This risk especially increases in older and elderly patients.
Individual hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the medication causes allergic reactions.
A long period of use can lead to a deterioration in the composition of the blood due to the inhibitory effect of analgin.


Among the prohibitions on prescribing the drug is the presence of hypersensitivity to active ingredients or excipients. It is forbidden to prescribe and use Andipal during the first three months of pregnancy and lactation; very carefully, it can be prescribed to women carrying a child in the second and third trimester. A direct contraindication to the use of the drug is the age of pediatric patients under 8 years of age.
Instructions for use are not recommended to use the medicine for patients with:
    autoimmune disease - asthenic bulbar paralysis;
    hemolytic anemia associated with glucose-6-phosphate hydrogenase deficiency;
    violations of the hematopoietic system;
    severe and end-stage renal failure;
    decompensated and dystrophic stages of liver failure;
    instability of the heart rate;
    intestinal obstruction.

Method and features of application

The instruction recommends oral use of the tablets. The standard dose is prescribed in the amount of 1 pill, taken 2-3 times a day. The duration of the period of treatment with the use of the drug Andipal cannot exceed 10 days.
An individual dose for each patient is prescribed by the attending physician, therapy should be under his control and supervision. If the drug does not have the desired therapeutic effect, it is imperative to consult a doctor to correct the chosen treatment strategy.
The drug affects the ability to drive vehicles or the ability to operate potentially dangerous machinery. Before studying the influence of Andipal on your body, you should not get behind the wheel and get to work that is performed with increased concentration and attention.
Andipal reduces the level of blood pressure, therefore it is prohibited for use in patients with hypotension, due to the risk of developing pathological transformations in the brain.
The components that combine in the drug can adversely affect the state of the blood, therefore it is necessary to control the blood composition during prolonged treatment.

Application during pregnancy

Andipal has a direct contraindication to the appointment of women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Due to the presence of phenobarbital in the composition, it negatively affects the work and development of the baby's brain.
Long-term use inhibits the development of the fetus. The possibility of having a child with a congenital diagnosis of cerebral palsy increases. In the second and third trimester of gestation, the drug is allowed to be taken, provided that the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the hypothetical risks to the fetus. Under this condition, therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician.
Taking medication is strictly prohibited while breastfeeding an infant. In a situation of urgent need to use the drug, lactation is interrupted for the period of treatment.

Alcohol compatibility

Expanding blood vessels Andipal several times increases the effect of alcohol on the body. The instruction strictly prohibits the use of the drug, both before and after taking alcoholic beverages. Failure to comply with prescriptions can cause hypertrophied, unpredictable side effects.

Interaction with other medications

Joint treatment with the use of diuretics (lasix, furosemide), beta-blockers (anaprilin), myotropic antispasmodics (aminophylline), calcium channel blockers (nifedipine) and nitrates (nitroglycerin) increases the antihypertensive effect of Andipal.
The opposite effect is observed with the combined use of the drug with H- and M-cholinomimetics (nicotine, acetylcholine), andrenomimetics (adrenaline, ephedrine), analeptics (camphor, cytisine, sulfocamphocaine).
Opium analgesics, when combined with the drug, increase the likelihood of the formation of conditions for the development of side effects of the drug.
Sorbents reduce the absorption of the drug in the intestine.


It is forbidden to independently change the amount of the required medicine per day; exceeding the prescribed portion can provoke an overdose.
Poisoning with a drug is accompanied by headache, drowsiness, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdominal region. When the first signs of an overdose appear, it is necessary to urgently wash the stomach, drink sorbents, and consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

Store the medicine in a place protected from the sun, observing the temperature regime not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. The tablets must be kept out of the reach of children and pets.


One pill contains 0.25 metamizole sodium (analgin), 0.2 bendazole, 0.2 papaverine hydrochloride, 0.2 mg phenobarbital.
Excipients in the form of talc, potato starch, stearic acid, calcium stearate are part of the pills.

Terms of sell

A prescription is not required to buy Andipal.