Avamys spray 27.5mcg/dose 120 doses


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Instruction for Avamys

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Active ingredient: Fluticasone furoate, 27.5 µg (0.0275 mg) at each dose. It belongs to the class of corticosteroids of the new generation for local use.
Excipients: dextrose – 2750 µg, cellulose dispersible – 825 µg, Polysorbate 80 – 13.75 µg, benzalkonium chloride solution – 16.5 µg, dinatria edetat – 8.12 µg, purified water – up to 50 µl.
Avamys the antibiotic or not? No, this drug does not apply to antibacterial agents, although it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory activity. This effect is achieved due to the combination of properties inherent in all steroid hormones.

Pharmacological properties

Fluticasone furoate is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, code ATX (ATC) R01A D12. In combination with salmeterol, the drug belongs to the group of drugs included in the list of important drugs. Developed for the symptomatic treatment of allergic, vasomotor rhinitis, edema and other inflammatory diseases.
The principle of operation of the drug is based on a comprehensive effect of glucocorticoids on the human body. Fluticasone furoate is characterized by powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activity. Inhibiting the synthesis of strong inflammatory mediators, the drug effectively relieves the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
Its mechanism of action of the drug has a clear affinity for GC receptors. The high pharmacodynamic activity of furoate fluticasone has an excellent therapeutic result in the lowest possible dose, compared to other glucocorticoids.
Being trifoliorum derivatives, med the drug in the local application has a low absorption. Only 0.5% of the daily dose (from 2640 mcg), administered intranasally, enters the systemic circulation. Such low bioavailability rarely provokes structural complications.
Nasal spray Avamys on the body is due to its significant binding capacity. Fluticasone furoate is able to bind to proteins contained in blood plasma by 99% or more. The volume of distribution of the drug is 608 liters.
Avamys is metabolized mainly in the liver, by formation of inactive metabolites of 17-carboxylic acid. Accordingly, excretion occurs through the intestine with feces. The half-life is 10-11 hours.
How many moves the drug? It takes several days to achieve the result and remove the congestion. The appearance of therapeutic effect depends on the selected dose.
The drug acts as quickly as possible 8 hours after the first application of the aerosol for the nose, using a concentration of 110 µg. At a dose of 55 mcg improvement is observed after 24 hours.
Getting the result, eliminating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, including eye manifestations, is possible under the condition of regular use of the drug. Because, Avamys if nasal congestion is not effective immediately, it is important to continue to sprinkle according to the doctor's appointments.
Does the addiction Avamys? In rare cases, individually long-term use of the drug or exceeding the specified dosage provokes resistance to the active substance. During the course of 3-6 months of use of nasal drops addiction does not affect the body.

Indications for use

Officially, the drug treats not the disease but relieves the symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis in adults and children older than 2 years. Relatively recently, studies have begun on the feasibility of using the drug for relief of acute signs of bronchial asthma.
As an additional short-term therapy, hormonal nose drops are sometimes used to treat other diseases. Due to the property to remove swelling drug is popular among ENT doctors.
Any inflammation of the nasal mucosa is accompanied by the separation of mucus. Long cold runny nose, left unattended, often leads to the addition of secondary infection, the development of drug-allergic rhinitis. In this case, the appointment of corticosteroids is justified.
Is it possible Avamys with green snot? Green, yellow or brown colored mucus from the nose often occurs with bacterial infection. The use of hormonal sprays in the treatment of rhinitis in adults and children is permissible in combination therapy. The drug helps against green snot, as it prevents the accumulation of pus in the nasal cavity.

What is prescribed Avamys:

    eliminate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis;
    improvements in vasomotor rhinitis;
    removal of nasal congestion in bacterial, viral runny nose;
    facilitate the separation of the secret in the treatment of sinusitis, sphenoiditis, sinusitis, etmoidita, itching;
    the reduction of swelling, nasal ear in otitis, Eustachian;
    removal of inflammation, hypertrophy, tissue hyperplasia in adenoiditis, tonsillitis, enlarged tonsils, accompanied by thick snot.
Indications for taking corticosteroids is also a chronic runny nose, prolonged rhinitis, aggravated by loss of smell. But, independently use sprays or nasal drops based on hormones in viral infection, colds and even the flu — is prohibited.
Part benzalkonium chloride, when a mismatched dose, duration of use spray, can affect tissue. In order to seek funds to restore the nasal spray prescribed by a doctor.
Is it possible Avamys to drip into the ear? No, the drug should be sprayed only in the nose. The use of ear products is aimed at reducing swelling in the Eustachian tube, reducing pressure in the inner ear.
One of the proven advantages of fluticasone furoate is the ability to remove lesions of the conjunctiva in allergic rhinitis: burning, redness, tear in the eyes. Nevertheless, the drug is not eye drops.
Is it possible Avamys splashing in the throat? No, the drug is designed for intranasal use. That is, the area of its action – the nasal mucosa. Removing the swelling, the drug improves the discharge of the secret, the mucus does not flow into the throat, as a result, and cough disappears. But it can not be used for coughing.

Contraindications for Avamys

If you are sensitive or hypersensitive to fluticasone furoate or any other component of the composition specified in the annotation to the user, Avamys not used. Do not prescribe hormonal sprays and drops with a runny nose to children under 2 years.
Among the General contraindications to the use of hormonal agents are:
    herpes viruses, especially type 4, causing mononucleosis;
    tuberculosis of respiratory organs;
    recent therapy with Ritonavir (HIV-infected patients);
    surgical intervention in the nasopharynx.
These conditions greatly inhibit the immune system. Corticosteroids have immunosuppressive properties, which is the key to the treatment of this Allergy. But, the increase in such a load on the body, has a negative impact on health.
Is it possible Avamys with the temperature? There are no reliable data on the effect of the drug in hyperthermia. In order to reduce fever hormonal intranasal sprays are not used.

With caution

Avamys used under strict supervision of doctors and tracking the dynamics of indicators of blood in patients with severe violations of the liver and kidneys. In this category of patients, the risk of developing systemic complications as a result of difficulty in metabolizing and excreting the drug increases.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no accurate data on the effect of fluticasone furoate on the body of pregnant and breast-feeding women. There are no data on the effects of the drug on fertility in humans.
Available information is taken from animal studies. In the test, the bearing of offspring, drugs from the group of corticosteroids caused fetal malformations. Isolation of the active substance in breast milk has not been studied.
The use of the drug to treat women during pregnancy and lactation is acceptable only if the possible benefit to the drug is greater than the risk for the child.

Dosage and administration

The drug based on fluticasone furoate is prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis caused by an allergen reaction in adults and children. Exclusively suspension is administered intranasally, Squirting it in each nostril. One spray is equivalent to 1 dose of 27.5 micrograms contains the active substance.
What age can be used Avamys? The drug is prescribed to children from two years. Prior to this period, there is no evidence of the feasibility of using fluticasone furoate. Patients under 2 years of intranasal glucocorticosteroids for the treatment of allergic rhinitis are not administered.
Children over 12 years and adults the recommended daily dose of application of the drug is 110 mcg. That is, 2 injections in each nasal passage once a day (27.5 * 2 injections * 2 nostrils). For elderly patients, patients with moderate and medium liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction drug is prescribed in the same amount.
To prevent exacerbations and maintain the achieved therapeutic effect, the daily dose can be reduced by half, to 55 mcg once. That is, 1 injection in each nasal passage once a day.
When is it best to take Avamys the morning or at night? The principal effect on the result does not matter the time of drug administration. It is important that each subsequent spraying was carried out at the same time of day. Individually possible scheme 2 doses 2 times a day – 1 spray, each of which corresponds to a dose of 27.5 µg, morning and evening.
Children 2 years recommended daily dose of the drug is 55 mcg – 1 spray into each nostril once a day. In the absence of a positive effect, a temporary increase in the resulting drug to 2 sprays in each nasal passage daily (110 µg) is allowed. After the elimination of acute symptoms, it is necessary to return to the initial dose.
How many days is the course of treatment the drug? The treatment regimen, and admission is determined individually. Like all hormonal agents, fluticasone furoate has a cumulative effect. For relief of nasal and eye symptoms of seasonal and year-round rhinitis, the minimum duration of treatment is usually 2 weeks – a month.
Duration of use Avamys often coincides with the action of the stimulus. For example, with seasonal allergies in the spring, it is used throughout the flowering period of ambrosia.
Is it possible to blow your nose after Avamys? According to studies, most of the intranasal drug administered will be removed during the natural process of purification of the respiratory tract (mucociliary clearance) and, as a result, is swallowed. On the effectiveness of the drug is not affected. Therefore, after spraying, the marking should not reduce the degree of action. But if before the introduction of spray to hold the toilet of the nose, the desire to blow his nose will be minimal.
The method of application of intranasal spray is simple. Before use, it is necessary to prepare a bottle with a suspension. Best done after a preliminary injection of a toilet of the nasal passages.

How to use Avamys if not breathing nose:

    for 15-30 minutes before using the spray with strong congestion to drip vasoconstrictor, which punches the nose;
    clean the passages of mucus, if necessary, rinse them;
    slightly tilt the head forward and insert the tip of the bottle into the nostril;
    at the same time to breathe Avamys and spray by pressing the special button;
    when injecting, try to direct the jet not to the partition, but to the opposite wall of the passage;
    repeat the procedure with the other nostril.
For patients with kidney failure, moderate and moderate hepatic impairment, dose adjustment spray is not necessary. Elderly people take the drug in normal concentrations for adults.
How soon you can repeat treatment Avamys? The frequency of use of intranal glucocorticoid is determined by the doctor, individually based on the stage of the disease. Allowed long, throughout the year, the use of spray with constant monitoring and breaks for 1-2-4 months.
Itself the drug relieves nasal congestion within an hour, unlike vasoconstrictor drops. But when used properly, ensures long-term free breathing, without the need for frequent injection.
What to do if Avamys not helping? The tool begins to act immediately, to remove nasal congestion takes time, usually 1-2 days. To fully control the symptoms of allergies, according to the experience of patients who helped the drug, it turns out only after using it course.
Cases of no effect are found in the irrational appointment of the drug. It is required to conduct additional studies and change the treatment regimen. If the spray has ceased to help, it is necessary to check the shelf life and storage conditions.
How many times a year you can use Avamys? The frequency and duration of each course of the drug is determined by the doctor. There are cases of 18-month continuous admission. Usually spray is prescribed for each exacerbation of allergic rhinitis.

Side effect

One of the main problems of all hormonal agents is withdrawal syndrome. That is, with a sharp cessation of use of the drug, the symptoms of the disease return again. According to statistics snot after the drug are rare. To exclude them, it is better to adhere to the scheme of the end of treatment chosen by the doctor.

How to cancel Avamys:

    at the end of the course, take a break for 1 day;
    from the second day to give a day, 10 times;
    then give another 10 times, but with a break of 2-3 days;
    thus, gradually increasing the break, cancel the spray.
The second option: after the course of treatment, continue to use the drug for another 2 weeks, but daily alternating nostrils. Ie: day 1 – 1 spray into 1 nostril. Then change the nostrils with a daily break for another week.
When after several uses of the drug drip snot says about individual allergic reactions to the drug. If the discharge occurred after discontinuation of treatment, in addition to withdrawal syndrome, there is a possibility of symptoms of SARS. It is possible to catch a cold at the very beginning of taking the medicine. Determine the cause of nasal discharge can be the General condition. If you have a fever after the drug, then most likely, the body caught the infection.
Harmful Avamys? How harmful and how glucocorticoids are transferred is determined by the degree of their absorption into the systemic circulation. Low bioavailability of the drug (not more than 0.5%) indicates little risk of side effects on the body. Nevertheless, some adverse events are present in clinical studies and post-registration observation. Their list will help you determine the pros and cons of application of the drug.
The most common side effect is bleeding from the nose, 1 episode out of 10. When using a spray longer than 6 weeks is more common. In one case of a hundred possible ulceration of the nasal mucosa, the appearance of headache and dizziness. Dry mouth and nostrils, discomfort, burning occur once in 1000. Even less often, no more than 1 in 10,000, there are hypersensitive reactions: rash, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.
The incidence of severe systemic side effects has not been determined. Taking glucocorticoids can provoke transient visual impairment, glaucoma, cataract, growth retardation in children. Lowering of prothrombin after the drug taken for the purpose and in accordance with the instruction manual, and the consequent deterioration of blood clotting, are not met.
The relationship of the drug and the weight gain is related to the influence of steroid hormones on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPAS), questionable. It is unlikely that the development of the syndrome of Ishenka-Cushing, characterized by obesity, hypertension and other numerous disorders in the work of the whole body. So, to say that the drug raises blood pressure, contributes to weight gain, is justified only when taking concomitantly with other hormonal drugs.
Severe side effects of therapy with glucocorticoids occur with severe oppression of the body, usually administered orally or parenterally (more detailed in the section "special instructions"). In the case of the drug body burden of synthetic hormone minimum, respectively, and the likelihood of adverse reactions is low.

Special instruction

Children who received fluticasone furoate every day for a year at a dose of 110 µg were diagnosed with growth retardation. But the information does not describe the exact statistics of the pathology, as there is no data on the final indicators. If necessary, prolonged use of the drug important to regularly monitor the status of the health of the baby and match the speed of the growth standards.
The use of spray with fluticasone furoate is carried out with caution in patients with significant adrenal dysfunction. Joint treatment with ritonavir and the drug is not recommended because of the high risk of increasing systemic concentrations of the hormone. Both warnings are based on studies on the effect of other glucocorticosteroids, but cleaved similarly to furoate fluticasone.


Clinical observations were based on the development and severity of systemic side effects. The dose for adults, exceeded 24 times the recommended daily for three days or longer, did not affect the development of adverse reactions in the body.
How many consecutive days you can use the drug? The course of therapy is determined by the doctor. The purpose of treatment with glucocorticoids is important. In the treatment of ENT diseases sometimes enough 2-3 days of use of the drug. To eliminate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis requires a minimum of 14-30 days to apply Avamys without interruption.
Cases of acute overdose are unknown. If you suspect the excess of the recommended concentrations of intranasal corticosteroids, it is necessary to stop their administration. Treatment in this case is symptomatic.
Can often times use Avamys? Yes, the drug is designed for regular use for a long time. Clinical studies have shown its tolerability and safety. But if the acute symptoms of rhinitis are too long, more than 3-4 months, you need to re-consult your doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

The available theoretical data exclude the possibility of interaction of the drug with other drugs, split is similar fluticasone furoate. The drugs are based on rapid excretion after liver metabolism of the swallowed part as a result of intranasal use. Thus, the real research, studying the interaction of the drug and other drugs have not been conducted.
Intranasal glucocorticoids can be combined with non-hormonal drops in the nose, both in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and in the treatment of ENT infections. For example, sea water Kviks and the drug Avamys used alternately. First there is the toilet of the nose, the nostrils are washed and then sprayed asset.
Avamys and Her are assigned together, as required drugs in the treatment of acute symptoms of allergies or adenoids. For children, it is better to use antihistamines not in tablets, but in syrup or droplets.
If severe nasal congestion is used Avamys and Otrivin. To remove edema, a vasoconstrictor is administered, then a glucocorticoid. But, having a cumulative effect, the hormone is able to completely eliminate the dependence on conventional drops.
Can Avamys and IRS 19 used together? Yes, it is allowed, if necessary, to remove the swelling with hormonal drugs and raise the immunity of the nasal mucosa with beneficial bacteria. It is optimal to use IRS 19 15-20 minutes after spray with fluticasone furoate.
Avamys and antibiotics used in the treatment of infections of the sinuses. The hormone will reduce inflammation, relieve swelling, and the antibacterial drug will destroy the cause of the disease. Moreover, in sinusitis, etmoidit Avamys will only be effective with antibiotics.
Independently at each runny nose to apply local glucocorticoids is not necessary. Hormone therapy has pros and cons, its feature – to suppress the immune system. In viral, bacterial lesions, reduced natural protection will only increase the reproduction of the pathogen. Sometimes at unsustainable long-term intake of the drug have to treat the fungi in the nose and mouth.
No data about negative influence on the body the drug and birth control pills. The types of hormones in the composition act differently, do not reduce the effectiveness of each other.

Influence on the ability to drive a car or other mechanisms

Description of the pharmacological properties of most local intranasal glucocorticoids and furoate fluticasone, explains the lack of impact on the ability to drive a car or other mechanisms.
No pronounced influence of the drug for blood tests, assuming the use of the spray according to instructions. Rapid excretion, low bioavailability suggest weak changes in laboratory tests.

Form release

Avamys made in the form of a nasal spray metered. The modern form of release allows you to conveniently apply the drug to the destination. One spray corresponds to a single dose of the active substance – 27, 5 µg fluticasone furoate.
How does the drug? The drug is represented by a white homogeneous suspension placed in a special package – a bottle and a case. A vial of specific orange glass is inside a plastic case. It is equipped with a valve, a spraying mechanism, an indicator window and a cap limiter. The volume of 30, 60 or 120 doses can be presented in 1 package.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug is valid for 3 years from the date of production indicated on the package. Keep the spray out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25-30 C. Avoid freezing.
Is it possible to use Avamys if has expired? No, it needs to be disposed of. Storage conditions after opening remain the same. Added actions for mandatory care of the bottle, spray.
How much time can be stored Avamys open? Shelf life after opening is not reduced from the total. There is no urgent need to keep the medicine in the refrigerator.

Instructions for using nasal spray

Avamys is available in orange bottles, which are placed in plastic cases. Replacement bottle is not provided. If the spray is used for the first time or has been left open (stored without a protective cap), it must be prepared in advance.
Within 10-15 seconds vigorously shake the case without removing the cover. Then you should remove the cap, and at least 6-7 times spray the drug in the direction of yourself. You need to spray until a light cloud.
How to open the drug Avamys:
    take the case in one hand;
    put the thumb and index finger of the other hand on the lid;
    gently pull up.
To press the button you need to make an effort. If it does not work, it is permissible to press the fingers of both hands. Through a special window-indicator on the case you can see the amount of the drug. It is important to always try to put on the cap, it provides tightness, prevents dust from entering the sprayer.
When clogging, it is forbidden to try to clean the tip with a needle or pin. You need to shake the bottle and press the button several times. If there is little medicine left in the bottle, the atomizer will stop working.
After each application, gently wipe the tip and the inside of the lid with a dry cloth. Do not allow water or other liquid to enter the bottle. Restoration of the damaged case, tip, installation of the replacement unit is not provided. Therefore, if you attempt to disassemble the drug, there is a high probability that you will need to buy a new inhaler.
Is it possible to use Avamys with the other drops? No, the use of two or more intranasal glucocorticoids simultaneously is not practiced. For example, drops Maurice or the drug, taken together, increase the risk of side effects.
It is permissible to replace one drug with another, in the absence of a result, low efficiency or according to indications. Switching to an analogue without prior medical advice is not recommended.
Should not use their own and any other drugs assigned in conjunction with the drug with allergic rhinitis. For example, it is important to select antihistamines based on the severity of the symptoms of the disease. That is, what is more concerned – itching, swelling, discharge, sneezing, sleep disorders and more. For each stimulus required its own receptor blocker. It is difficult to choose the optimal antihistamine on your own.
Are not analogous or similar Avamys vasoconstrictor preparations on the basis of Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline or naphazoline. Popular Snoop drops Galazolin, Tizin, Meralis, Otrivin, Naphazoline, Sanorin with prolonged use addictive. Funds are allowed to use no more than 3-5 days, though the drug prescribed for a period of months.
Herbal medicines for rhinitis in the form of gels, ointments or homeopathy, immunomodulating pills have a weak therapeutic effect. With a slight cold runny nose, they are able to relieve discomfort, ease breathing. To remove allergic, vasomotor rhinitis aided.
One of the alternative non-specific types of treatment of allergic and persistent vasomotor rhinitis is intra-nasal blockade. In a simple way, injections into the nose can permanently cause remission of seriously ill people. For injection use systemic corticosteroids, Antihemorrhagics medications, anaesthetics.
Avamys and any other structural analogues cannot be applied as drops in the ears. In order to relieve pain, itching needs special drugs. Otipax, Otofa and other ear drops can be used together with intranasal glucocorticoids in the treatment of otitis media, eustachitis.

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You don't need a prescription to buy Avamys.